Monday, July 12, 2010

band prac on non-band-prac days

Band prac's awesome.
Hey guys
you shld seriously come for prac
after school when you're free.
I can assure it's going to be really really fun.
You're going to enjoy yourself like I did today. :D

Jiayi's hmp was cancelled today
so she could accompany me to prac
if not i'll be quite alone even though there's clarinets.
But yay Jiayi. (:

There were more ppl in band room today than on last week's.
Then we started playing together Perseus and Meiguo de meinv.
i tell u.
I was the only one in my section who came
and when we played American Beauties,
I was like Part C Part C.
I had to solo.
I gave them the my-section-is-not-here look,

In contrast,
the trumpets had their whole section there. ._.
Oh and we sang cos MianJun wanted it.
The lower part was the loudest OF COURSE.
and only two firsts.
But anyway,
it was really a nice prac with them.

SIBF counting down.
We can do it.

oh and Holland lost.