So here I am.
Band was ha... ;fun.
Esp. Sectionals.
Most Productive Sectional Ever.
Thumbs up :)
I know it's because of me that you all aren't able to have a good sectional every time.
I'm such a burden to everyone.
Stressed ah.
But Thanks a lot Rie.Mich.Ssa.Joei.유신 for patiently guiding me along.
Thanks an infinite for sorting out the rhythms, notes with me and brightening up the atmosphere with lame jokes and random talking.
Oh yes. And one more person.
Theodora! :) Thanks so much too.
You've been a great motivator to me.
I agree with you. Bass is not as easy as you think it may be.
Seriously. The mass alone can weigh you down ALOT.
Plus Mute = cannot tahan; fingers breaking, and yes... the fear of the mute dropping out ANYTIME.
you've been a great motivator to me.
School's starting real fast.
I totally hate that. D:
Why do holidays end so fast when I haven't even enjoy it fully.
Good luck for auditions.
Is this long enough to make up for the absence of posts?
There're Two sides of me.